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Healthy Feet for People with Diabetes【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Healthy Feet for People with DiabetesHealthy Feet for People with Diabetes is the most comprehensive, easy-to-read guide for prevention, treatment, and self-care of foot problems; practical information which is vital for people with diabetes and their caregivers. People with diabetes are at the greatest risk of having foot care issues. In fact, every 30 seconds, someone loses a limb due to diabetes. Dr. Mark Hinkes, who has been a podiatrist for more than 30 years, has seen too many of his patients require debilitating toe, foot or leg amputation. He developed this easy-to-follow educational "owner's manual" to help people quickly identify possible foot problems and stop them before they get out-of-control. To make the book more user-friendly, medical terms are simplified; Do's and Don'ts are clearly identified; and there are "Top Tips" for everything from selecting socks and shoes, to skin care, to suggestions for caregivers. The 150-page book is colorfully designed as a blend of a magazine and textbook, with large type, boxed lists, pictures that make foot health issues easy to visually identify, and an extensive reference to Internet links and foot health care informational resources. Recommendations are fully backed by scientific evidence. The 20 concise, yet thorough, chapters start with a focus on prevention. Using easy-to-follow directions, such as how to wash and dry your feet and inspect your socks and shoes, the book carefully explains what steps to take to prevent diabetic foot lesions. As it progresses, the book delves into descriptions of most common foot problems -- everything from skin and toenail troubles to warts, tumors and cysts -- along with directions on how to manage these issues. It quickly becomes apparent; however, that what may appear to be a minor issue - incorrectly cutting a toenail or stepping on a pin while walking barefoot at home - can "trigger" a drastically more serious problem, which, if left untreated, can cause pain, nerve damage, infection, inflammation, and, in the worst case, the type of wound or ulcer that ultimately can lead to an amputation. Chapters devoted to caregivers, the medical team and podiatrists, give people with diabetes a clear understanding of whom they can call upon for personal and professional assistance, what role they can play, and the background and expertise of various healthcare professionals. If you or someone you care for has diabetes, reading this insightful book and following its well thought-out guidelines is a proactive approach to taking responsibility for your health that has the potential to greatly decrease your health care expenditures and greatly improve your quality of life. Further, it is an excellent reference tool for families, medical students, and healthcare providers.Dimensions: 25.4 x 17.78 x 1.04 centimetres (0.31 kg)糖尿病患者のための健康な足は、足の問題の予防、治療、自己ケアのための最も包括的で読みやすいガイドです。



30年以上にわたりpodiatristであったMark Hinkes博士は、あまりにも多くの患者が足指、足または脚の切断を衰弱させる必要があることを見てきました。

彼はこの簡単に従う教育的な "所有者のマニュアル"を開発し、足の問題の可能性を素早く特定し、制御不能になる前に止めるのを助けました。


Do and Don'tsは明確に識別されています。










あなたやあなたが気にしている人が糖尿病を患っている場合は、この洞察力のある本を読んで、よく考えられたガイドラインに従うことが、あなたの健康管理に重大な影響を及ぼす可能性があり、 。


寸法:25.4 x 17.78 x 1.04センチメートル(0.31 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。


Price 商品価格 4,884円(税込み)
Review Average レビュー平均 0.0(5点満点)
Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Shop Name ショップ Excellent Imports

糖尿病 関連ツイート
